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  • M. Pehlivan, B. Wham, and R. Kraus (2024), “Performance of Wastewater Treatment plants after February 6, 2023, Turkiye Earthquakes,” GeoFrontiers 2025, (Abstract Accepted).

  • M. Pehlivan, K. Ulmer, and J. Macedo (2024), “Liquefaction Observations Following the February 6, 2023, Turkiye Earthquake Sequence,” 18thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy, July.

  • K. Ulmer, M. Pehlivan, and J. Macedo (2024), “Liquefaction Observations Following the February 6, 2023, Turkiye Earthquake Sequence,” 2024 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, April.

  • M. Pehlivan (2020), “Inclusion and Diversity in Geo-Profession,” Commentary, ASCE GeoStrata, Vol 24, No 6, Under Review

  • Lemnitzer, P. Arduino, J. Dafni, K. Franke, A. Martinez, A. Mayoral, C. El Mohtar, M. Pehlivan, and M. Yashinsky (2019). “Effects of the September 19, 2017 MW 7.1 central Mexico earthquake on critical infrastructure systems.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.

  • M. Pehlivan and J.F. Martel (2018), “Influence of Uncertainties in Site Response Analysis on Seismic Assessment of a Tall Building,” 11th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA. June 26-29. 

  • D. Park, A. Mohammad, M. Pehlivan, Y.M.A. Hashash (2018) “Importance of Implied Strength Correction for 1D Site Response at Shallow Sites at a Moderate to Low Seismicity Region”, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, Austin, TX, June 13-15.

  • M. Pehlivan, C.L.M. Madugo, A. Macdonald, D. Rayamajhi, Y.M.A. Hashash, and B. Tiwari (2017), “Performance of Hydropower Infrastructure following April 2015 Gorkha Earthquake Sequence”, Earthquake Spectra – Special Issue on the Nepal Earthquake. December.

  • M. Alcaraz, P. Arduino, D. Asimaki, A. Badillo, G. Candia, E. Castanon, J. Dafni, S. Dashti, C.S. El Mohtar, K.W. Franke, T.C. Hutchinson, C. Ledezma, A. Lemnitzer, E. Lo, A. Martinez, J.M. Mayoral Villa, J. Menses, G. Montalva, J. Montgomery, A. C. Morales-Velez, M. Pehlivan, A. Roman, S. Tepalcapa, C.M. Wood, M. Yashinsky (2017), “Geotechnical Engineering Reconnaissance of the September 19 2017 Mw 7.1 Puebla-Mexico City Earthquake”, GEER Association Report No. GEER-055A, October 16.

  • M. Pehlivan, D. Park, S. Sadiq, Y.M.A. Hashash (2017), “Seismic site response of shallow soil sites in moderate seismicity regions,” 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul, Korea. 

  • E. Aziz, S. Chang, K. Chin, K. Dawson, B. Exley, M. Gibson, J. Gillie, R. Hanke, B. Holtz, J. Mattoon, D. Parmantier, M. Pehlivan, B. Perkins, A.W. Stuedlin, F. Pita, S. Rajah, D. Rayamajhi, M. Rohrbach, D. Van Thiel (2016) “Commentary Guidelines for Ground Improvement using Discrete Elements,” American Society of Civil Engineers Seattle Section Geotechnical Group and the City of Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections, September 26.

  • M. Pehlivan, E.M. Rathje, R.B. Gilbert (2016), “Factors Influencing Soil Surface Seismic Hazard Curves,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 83, 180-190.

  • S. Kramer and M. Pehlivan (2016), “Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering: What Can It Do for You?” Geo-Strata —Geo-Institute of ASCE, Vol 20, Issue 6, 32-38.

  • M. Pehlivan (2016),” From Disaster to Resilience,” First Person Series, Civil Engineering Magazine of ASCE, November, 44-55. 

  • M. Pehlivan, Y.M.A. Hashash, J. Harmon, E.M. Rathje, and J. P. Stewart (2015), “Influence of Shear Wave Velocity Reversals on One-Dimensional Site Response of Spatially Varied Shear Wave Velocity Profiles,” 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand, November

  • R.E.S. Moss, E.M. Thompson, D.S. Kieffer, B. Tiwari, Y.M.A. Hashash, I. Acharya, B. Adhikari, D. Assimaki, K.B. Clahan, BD. Collins, S. Dahal, R. W. Jibson, D. Khadka, A. Macdonald, C.L.M. Madugo, H.B. Mason, M. Pehlivan, D. Rayamajhi, S. Uprety (2015), “Geotechnical Effects of the 2015 Magnitude 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake and Aftershocks”, Seismological Research Letters, Vol 86, No 6, 1514-1523

  • Y.M.A. Hashash, B. Tiwari, R.E.S. Moss, D. Assimaki, K.B. Clahan, D.S. Kieffer, D.S. Dreger, A. Macdonald, C.L.M. Madugo, H.B. Mason, M. Pehlivan, D. Rayamajhi, I. Acharya, B. Adhikari (2015), “Geotechnical Field Reconnaissance: Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake of April 25, 2015, and Related Shaking Sequence”, GEER Association Report No. GEER-40, August 7.

  • S. Nikolaou, R. Gilsanz, D. Iliadelis, M. Pehlivan, A. Mahvashmohammadi, S. Saadat, M. Moretti, A. Sextos, P. Tsopelas (2015), “Learning from Structural Success rather than Failures,” Structures Magazine, March.

  • S. Nikolaou, M. Pehlivan, et al. (2014), “Seismic response of shallow sites in Eastern US: Implications to the state of practice,” 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Alaska, US, July. 

  • S. Nikolaou, D. Zekkos, D. Assimaki, R. Gilsanz, M. Pehlivan, et al. (2014), “GEER/EERI/ATC Earthquake Reconnaissance January 26/February 2, 2014 Cephalonia Earthquakes”, GEER Association Report No. GEER-34, June 6.

  • M. Pehlivan, E.M. Rathje, and R. B. Gilbert (2013), “Influence of Spatial Variability on Site Response Analysis,” International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: From Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey, June.

  • E. M. Rathje, M. Pehlivan, R. B. Gilbert, and A. Rodriguez-Marek (2013). “Incorporating Site Response into Seismic Hazard Assessments for Critical Facilities: A Probabilistic Approach” International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: From Case History to Practice, Technical Committee 203, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, June.

  • M. Pehlivan (2013), “Incorporating Site Response Analysis and Associated Uncertainties into the Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Facilities,” Ph.D. Thesis, the University of Texas at Austin, April.

  • M. Pehlivan, E.M. Rathje, and R. B. Gilbert (2012), “Influence of 1D and 2D Spatial Variability on Site Response Analysis”, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September.

  • M. Pehlivan, E.M. Rathje, and R. B. Gilbert (2012), “Incorporating Site-Specific Site Response Analysis into PSHA,” 2nd International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy, May.

  • M. Pehlivan, H.T. Bilge, and K. O. Cetin (2010), “CPT-Based Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential for Fine-Grained Soils,” CPT 10 Proceedings, Huntington Beach, California, May.

  • M. Pehlivan (2009), “Assessment of Liquefaction Susceptibility of Fine-Grained Soils,” MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

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